Coffs Harbour Senior College

Telephone02 6659 3054


Making enrolment easy

We’re here to make sure that your enrolment process is as simple as possible. Be sure to read the Enrolment Procedure and follow the 3 steps below and download the enrolment checklist to make sure you have everything completed. If you need help at any time please reach out on 02 6659 3054 


More about CHSC

How to enrol guide

Learn how to get your enrolment right the first time directly from our College staff. You’ll hear from the team on how to enrol and the process you need to take. 

An overview of our college

Get a taste of what life at Coffs Harbour Senior College offers, its courses and be shown the state of the art facilities that set us apart.

Frequently asked questions

Coffs Harbour Senior College is a NSW Government School, providing education for students in Years 11 and 12. The college does not charge course fees for consumables, however, some courses have additional costs for excursions and provision of materials for Major Projects. Distance Education also requires fees to be paid when payments open.

Your aim is to attain the best HSC result you can. So, you should choose courses that you are good at, interested in and may use in the future. Here is some advice from the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).

Find out more

Classes at the College are organised into eight “lines”. Each day is broken into three sessions, and the first seven lines are repeated. The last session of Friday is “Line 8″ and usually used for extension and specialist subjects.

CHSC welcomes and is well suited for international students with the English Language Centre and our adult learning environment. Students considering international study are required to first register with DE International.

Register here

The Education Act requires schools to provide time for education in ethics, faith and morality from a religious perspective at the choice of parents. To date, there has never been a request by parents to provide a special religious education or special education in ethics program at the senior college. A participation letter is included in the enrolment application package to establish whether a program is required. For more information about special religious education and special education in ethics, including the list of approved providers, please read more by visiting the Department of Education's Religion and ethics information.

At Coffs Harbour Senior College SRE does not currently operate.

Specialist areas of study are available through the Southern Cross School of Distance Education or Open High School in Sydney. The college has a limited quota of new students each year making it critical for prospective students to complete applications early if you are seeking specialist languages or other courses not available within the college.
Applications should be completed this year to allow processing and for work sets to be forwarded early next year. Students are required to pay a DE fee when payments open in 2025.

Coffs Harbour Senior College is now a BYOD school. Students will be required to bring their own device to access various online resources and the Stile learning management system.

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Subjects and information